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CRISA at a Glance

The five principles of crisa
1. ESG integration

Investment arrangements and activities should reflect a systematic approach to integrating material environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

2. stewardship

Investment arrangements and activities should demonstrate the acceptance of ownership rights and responsibilities diligently enabling effective stewardship.

3. Capacity building
and Collaboration

Acceptance and implementation of the principles of CRISA 2 and other applicable codes and standards should be promoted through collaborative approaches (as appropriate) and targeted capacity building throughout the investment industry.

4. governance

Sound governance structures and processes should be in place (including at all levels of the organisation) to enable investment arrangements and activities that reflect and promote responsible investment and diligent stewardship, including proactively managing conflicts of interest.

5. Transparency

Investment organisations should ensure disclosures are meaningful, timeous and accessible to enable stakeholders to make informed assessments of progress towards the achievement of positive outcomes.

Implementation of the principles

Implementing the 5 principles of CRISA 2 is intended to be a systematic, iterative process of:

  • integrating material environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment arrangements and activities (Principle 1); and
  • demonstrating the acceptance of ownership rights and responsibilities diligently enabling effective stewardship (Principle 2); and
  • contributing to capacity building and collaboration (Principle 3),
  • in an accountable manner through being founded in sound governance practices (Principle 4) and
  • promoting transparency (Principle 5) through meaningful disclosure, towards the attainment of positive outcomes.
CRISA outcomes
Effective date

The effective date for reporting publicly on the application of CRISA 2 is 1 February 2023.